
dear mom and dad

i've opened up more to my window in the dead of the night
then i have to the both of you combined
and i like it when you guys trust me 
but sometimes i wonder why it's half past 12 am and you haven't called.
you both let your temper slip out of your hands a little too easy
over spilled milk and broken plates
or misplaced tools and dirty dishes
but i always try and be patient with you, i've lost things too.

i've always hated how much make up you wear and how you try and sing along to every song that comes on the radio yet i never let myself say anything,
because you've always liked to sing
but i think you're beautiful
and your heart is always in tune in all the right ways.
you told me when i was younger that boys would do anything to get to my body
and i didn't believe you
and the other night i read your journal from high school
and my heart broke when i read "i wish i could talk to my mom about these kinds of things"
"i hope my daughter will talk to me about stuff like this"
because i wrote the same things in my journal

and dad...
i love you more than you know
and i remember the first time i saw you cry 
laying in a hospital bed, i didn't see you as weak
because it wasn't your fault, you've always done everything you could possibly do for this family
and i pray that my husband will be as wise as you've grown to be.
but i think your eyes would rest better at night if you weren't staring at a screen all day
and your heart would be fuller if you put your phone away at the dinner table

you guys drive me crazy and nothing brings me to tears faster then seeing you two fight and sometimes i worry that you won't love the rest of the grandchildren as you do the first
but i love you
and i know you're trying your best


  1. wow i love this. perfect. i can't even pinpoint a single line that i love the most, because they're all jumping out at me.

  2. Wow. So honest. Best kind of words. Honest ones. Really, such a fan.

  3. this is so incredibly raw and beautiful i honestly don't know what to say

  4. The honesty and the part about your journals and everything. Can you like, send me this if I ever have a child? Wow

  5. Wow. this did something to my heart and I'm not sure what it is. But it hit me deep.

  6. thank you for this. it resonates inside me.

  7. I was reading through all of your posts tonight and Im so glad I did because I needed to read this post. Loved it all!
    Thank you.

  8. totally blog stalking you
    and I am a happier human reading each of your posts
