

i think we can all agree that the worst part of being a senior is the haunting question: "so what are your plans after high school?"

sometimes i wonder why i'm even trying to figure it out
i'm never where i thought i would be 8 years ago

i thought i would be a cheerleader
or on student council
i thought i would be a 4.0 student
i thought i would be popular and date a football player

but i was never any of those am i'm okay with that.

at the end of the day our grandparents lives are just our history classes and our parents lives are our children's history classes and we're all just history with heart beating, nerves streaming, eyes looking for someone to remember us.


we're all just kids with history we don't want to remember

history books with chapters to skip and blank pages waitin for some life

our yesterdays are today and our present is our future and soon enough our future will be our history and our kids future is present in today because what we do today matters.

our names may not go down in bold but we'll be a apart of someones history and we can at least hope that it will matter. fill your books with memories of pain and love and heart break and let your kids know that it's okay to mess up, it's okay if you don't know what you're going to do after high school. you didn't know either.

how to answer that question:
1. ask them if they knew exactly what they were going to do after high school when they were 17


  1. Ps. Sorry, this post was sopossed to be better than it was

  2. "we're all just history with heart beating, nerves streaming, eyes looking for someone to remember us."

    This is really, really good. Don't freaking apologize. We all wish to be noteworthy.

  3. p.s. i don't think it can be any better than this because this is incredible

  4. FYI:
    I didn't know at 17.

  5. "and we're all just history with heart beating"

    oh, this is lovely.
